% Phase portrait of a linear system of ODE's. % IMPORTANT - Save Program_8a as vectorfield.m. clear sys=inline('[2*x(1)+x(2);x(1)+2*x(2)]','t', 'x'); warning off MATLAB:divideByZero vectorfield(sys,-3:.25:3,-3:.25:3) hold on for x0=-3:1.5:3 for y0=-3:1.5:3 [ts,xs] = ode45(sys,[0 5],[x0 y0]); plot(xs(:,1),xs(:,2)) end end for x0=-3:1.5:3 for y0=-3:1.5:3 [ts,xs] = ode45(sys,[0 -5],[x0 y0]); plot(xs(:,1),xs(:,2)) end end hold off axis([-3 3 -3 3]) fsize=15; set(gca,'xtick',[-3:1:3],'FontSize',fsize) set(gca,'ytick',[-3:1:3],'FontSize',fsize) xlabel('x(t)','FontSize',fsize) ylabel('y(t)','FontSize',fsize) hold off